"Punarnavadi kashaya tablet from Nagarjuna acts as a diuretic, immunomodulator, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antiviral, antifungal and is antifibrinolytic.
Purim Tablet is proprietary ayurvedic medicine by Himalaya Drug co. with Neem and haridra as key ingredients. It is an ant-inflammatoy, antibacterial, anti-allergic, detoxifier.
Purodil Gel by AIMIL pharmaceuticals is an external ayurvedic application for all skin diseases. Indication: Acne vulgaris, acne roascea, pimples, skin blemishes and acne spots or As directed by the physician Dosage:
Purodil Gel by AIMIL pharmaceuticals is an external ayurvedic application for all skin diseases. Indication: Acne vulgaris, acne roascea, pimples, skin blemishes and acne spots or As directed by the physician Dosage:
Purodil Tablet by AIMIL pharmaceuticals is an proprietary ayurvedic medicine for all skin diseases. Indication: Acne pimples boils, urticaria, skin allergies, allied inflammatory skin conditions or As directed by the physician Dosage: Adults 2 tablets twice or thrice a day Children one tablet twice a day or as directred by the physician
Pushkaramrith by Swadeshi Pharmaceuticals is an ayurvedic propreitary medicine for respiratory disorders. Indication: Asthma, cold and cough, bronchitis, sore throat, upper respiratory infection, chest congestion. Dosage: 15-25 ml with equal vol of water or As directed by the physician
Pushpadhanva Ras by Sree Dhootpapeshwar Ltd. is an aphrodisiac for both genders. It is also useful maintaining reprodcutive health in both males and females. Indication: Infertility, impotence. Dosage: As directed by the physician
PUSHYANUGA CHURNA by BAIDYANATH AYURVEDA BHAWAN AYURVEDA BHAWAN is an ayurvedic classical herbal powder effective in treating female issues. It is helpful in treatment of metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, menstrual disorder, and excessive menstrual bleeding of various etiologies.
PUSHYANUGA CHURNA by DHOOTAPAPESHWAR is an ayurvedic classical herbal powder effective in treating female issues. It is helpful in treatment of metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, menstrual disorder, and excessive menstrual bleeding of various etiologies.
PYROFLEX GEL by SOLUMIKS is an ayurvedic proprietary external application medicine. It is a time tested combination that provides quick relief from pain and inflammation of sprain, stiffness, etc. It is useful in the management of musculoskeletal pain conditions.
R Compound by Alarsin pharmaceuticals is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine for inflammatory joint pain, soft tissue injury and dental pains. Indication: All arthritis, spondylitis, frozen shoulder, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pain, malaise etc. Dosage: As directed by the physician