
SHANKH BHASMA by DHOOTAPAPESHWAR is an ayurvedic medicine. Shankh Bhasma is calcinated powder of Conch shell. The bhasma is a natural supplement of calcium, magnesium and iron. It is antacid in property and is used in treating digestive disorders.

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SHANKH BHASMA by DHOOTAPAPESHWAR is an ayurvedic medicine. Shankh Bhasma is calcinated powder of Conch shell. The bhasma is a natural supplement of calcium, magnesium and iron. It is antacid in property and is used in treating digestive disorders.
INDICATIONS: Indicated in dysentry, flatulence, loss of apettite, pimples, dyspepsia, enlargment of spleen, deficiency of calcium etc
DOSE: As directed by the physician