
GOKHSURADI GUGGULU is a classical herbal ayurvedic preparation from SRI SRI TATTVA for treating genito-urinary disorders. It strengthens kidneys, bladder, urethra and male reproductive organs and supports and improves their normal functioning. It detoxifies the body helping in formation of healthy urine formation and reduces the risk of stone formation. It also reduces uric acid levels in the blood and helpful in reducing the pain in Gout arthritis. It also helps in formation of healthy sperm.

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GOKHSURADI GUGGULU is a classical herbal ayurvedic preparation from SRI SRI TATTVA for treating genito-urinary disorders. It strengthens kidneys, bladder, urethra and male reproductive organs and supports and improves their normal functioning. It detoxifies the body helping in formation of healthy urine formation and reduces the risk of stone formation. It also reduces uric acid levels in the blood and helpful in reducing the pain in Gout arthritis. It also helps in formation of healthy sperm.
Indication: Impaired kidney functions, urinary retention, grade I prostatomegaly.