GODANTI BHASMA by DHOOTHPAPESHWAR is a herbomineral product which is rich in calcium and other minerals. It is also rich in vitamin C which effectively cures cold, cough, fever and increases immunity. Also good for headaches.
GULGULUTIKTAKAM KAS TAB by NAGARJUNA by AVN AYURVEDA FORMULATION is a tablet of gulguluthiktakam kashayam. Due to palatability issues the kashaya is modified into tablet form for easy and better consumption. Its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. It is highly effective in treating issues related with soft-tissues and skin.
INDUKAANTAM KASHAAYAM TABLET by NAGARJUNA is an ayurvedic classical herbal decoction compressed in a tablet form. Classically this product is indicated to treat fever and other abdominal disorders. It relieves bloating, abdominal distention, loss of appetite etc.
KASTURIBHAIRAV RAS(GOLD) by BAIDYANATH AYURVEDA BHAWAN is a herbomineral ayurvedic product. It gives about actions like diaphoretic, antipyretic and delirious conditions.
KASTURIBHAIRAVA RAS(GOLD) by BAIDYANATH is a herbomineral ayurvedic product. It gives about actions like diaphoretic and antipyretic. It is useful in treatment of chronic fever and diabetes
Lavan Bhaskar Churna is a classical ayurvedic preparation that addresses issues related with digestive system by soothing the burning irritation and aids in proper digestion.