I had some dead skin in my foot and palm since my teanage in 1990s. When I first started noticing it we went to Allopathy doctor. He tested me for Leprosy etc. He suggested few medicines. I started few medicines but left in between simply because I started to realize that my skin problem was seasonal and use to go after few weeks. I learned to live with that because anyway this was non functional issue and never bothered me. Later I understood that what I have is psoriasis. It can increase due to many internal and external factors like Stress, wheather change. It can surface in any part of the body. It makes you conscious if it is in visible part because during interaction with others, people will constantly look at that rough looking ugly patch on the skin. I found some very effective oil and creams which moists the skin like Aloevera Gel, pSora Oinment, 777 Oil. Each one has its own pros and cons. Aloevera has no smell, It gives temporary relief. It is colourless and odourless. Psora Ointment: It is very effective. It forms a coating on the patch and keepts the skin moist. But it has a medicinal odur. It is better to use it at night while sleeping so that the odur will not distract others and it remains atleast for few hours on your skin. 777 Oil : This can be used anytime. It has a coconunt oil base so it has a coconut oil smell, it is very effective and can be used anytime of the day. Since it has a coconut oil base so during winter it solidifies so needs bit of warming. Personally I found a combination of these medicines and regular meditation to be very effective to keep psoriasis under control. You should not ignore this because it can lead to complications like dry skin, skin cracking and lot of social issues.

- Post author:admin
- Post published:05/09/2021
- Post category:Immunity
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