You are currently viewing Chyavanprash a wonder preparation

Chyavanprash a wonder preparation

Chyavanprash is a lehya form health tonic. This is a classical preparation which has the power to rejuvenate body. A good quality chyavanprash is said to have the power which can turn old into young and energetic. It is a good immunity booster it can be taken by any one over 6 yrs of age (doses depend on the age group ). There are different versions of chyawanprash available for instance kids should be given with swarna content as gold effects the mental health and brain development. Then we have sugar free chyawanprash for diabetic patients. Important is to start some where some how towards a better health. These tonics are just your support systems which make your journey towards health easy and comfortable.

Health: Mental Physical financial and social well being is health