VIGOREX CAPSULES by ZANDU, is an ayurvedic propreitary medicine. It is a unique ayurvedic formulation fortified with powerful stress busters, vitality herbs, and minerals which are known to reduce stress and gives you the energy to perform.
VIGOREX CAPSULES (GOLD) by ZANDU is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. It is a unique ayurvedic herbomineral formulation fortified with gold, yashada bhasma with powerful stress busters, vitality herbs that are known to reduce stress and gives you the energy to perform. It boosts libido and provides energy and stamina.
VIGOREX SF CAPSULES by ZANDU is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. It is a unique ayurvedic herbomineral that is sugar free and very useful in increasing stamina and strength in diabetic patients. Vigorex SF is a combination of powerful stress busters, vitality herbs that are known to reduce stress and gives you the energy to perform. It boosts libido and provides energy and…
VISHATUNDIK VATI by ZANDU is an herbal medicine which is excellent nerve tonic. The main ingredient Strychnos nux-vomica is a medicine which acts on CNS. It is excellent choice of drug in treatment of neurological pain.
YASHTIMADHU CHOORNA by ZANDU is a dry herbal powder of Glycyrrhiza glabra, which is sweet in taste. It neutralizes excess acid secretions and lines the gastric mucosa protecting it from the harsh effects of acid. It is also an expectorant that expels the excess mucus secretion from the respiratory system.
YASHTIMADHU CHOORNA by ZANDU is a dry herbal powder of Glycirrhizia glabra, which is sweet in taste. It neutrailzes excess acid secretions and line the gastric musocose protecting it from harsh effects of acid. It is also an expectorant which expels the excess mucus secretion from respiratory system.