JATHYADI KERAM by NAGARJUNA is an ayurvedic medicine. Jathyadi keram is a useful external application medicine for fissure. The herbs are processed in the base oil of coconut oil. It is also available in sesame oil base. Apart from fissure it also useful and effective in healing the wounds and ulcers.
KALYAANAKA GHRUTHAM by NAGARJUNA is an ayurvedic medicated ghee widely used in treatment of epilepsy, psychological disorders, anemia, poor or weak memory, fever and inflammation.
KARPURADI THAILAM or KARPOORADI TAILA by NAGARJUNA is an ayurvedic classical medicine. Kapoor or Karpur is camphor which has an analgesic effect and acts quickly in easing the pain. This is a massage oil which provides relief from cramps, sprain, stiffness, and general body pain. It can also be rubbed on the chest for chest congestion
KOKILAKSHAM KASHAYA by NAGARJUNA is an ayurvedic medicine used in treating jaundice, anemia and hepatic conditions. It is also used in the treatment of high uric acid levels. It detoxifies the body and expels uric acid from the body helping in gout arthritis
KOOSHMANDA RASAYANA is a classical ayurvedic preparation from NAGARJUNA. The key ingredient of this is Kooshmanda ( Ash gourd). It is known for its immunity booster action and it increases strength especially in the cases of chronic illnesses
KOTTAMCHUKKADI THAILAM or KOTTAMCHUKKADI OIL by NAGARJUNA is an ayurvedic herbal oil. It is a wonderful pain-relieving oil. It relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, stiffness and numbness
KSHEERABALA 101 AVARTHI SOFT GEL from NAGARJUNA is a fortified version of ksheerabala which is processed for 101 to get a concentrate which is more effective in pacifiying vata and relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, stiffness and numbness. It nourishes the tissues and make them toned and strengthy.
KSHEERABALA AVARTHI 101 by NAGARJUNA is a fortified version of ksheerabala which is processed for 101 to get a concentrate which is more effective in pacifying Vata and relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and numbness. It nourishes the tissues and makes them toned and strengthy
Ksheerabala Thailam from Nagarjuna is a classic ayurvedic preparation oil. It pacifies vata and relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, stiffness and numbness. It nourishes the tissues and make them toned and strengthy.