AGASTHYAHARITAKI LEHYA by KUMAR is an ayurvedic classical medicine. It is an age old medicine that has been very effective in treating respiratory diseases. Regular use effectively relieves chronic respiratory ailments.
CHITRAKA HAREETHAKI LEHYA by KUMAR is top ayurvedic medicine to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma. Chitraka and Haritaka are the key ingredients along with many other herbs which are potent in treating respiratory and digestive diseases.
KUSUMA ABHAYA CAPSULE by KUMAR AYURVEDA ASHRAMA is an herbal ayurvedic product which acts as laxative for relief from constipation and also indicated in treatment of piles to regulate the proper bowel movements.
Kusuma bathing powder, a herbal formula for your daily refreshening bath routine. The powder is a blend of many herbs which are rationally blend to give your skin a healthy texture and freshness meanwhile protecting it from microbial infections.